And no, it does NOT involve me walking into another closed glass door =)

so i was on my way home from an interview last month, ( 1st interview @ Cybergate Boni, 2nd @ Makati ),... about to cross the street between SM and Glorieta, busily pre-occupied with thoughts like, "i need some lip balm coz my lips are all chappy"…"i need to go buy myself some new shoes for my accenture life, (HOW I WISH) haha.. but the budget’s really tight right now"… whle patiently waiting for the right time to cross, i notice this guy looking at me. and of course, ever humble me just thinks "he’s probably NOT really looking at me" or if he is, "maybe i remind him of someone or that he thinks i’m someone he knows" blah-blah-blah…

so the light finally turns red and the cars stop. and as i proceeded to walk in my brisk pace to the glorieta entrance, i hear someone call out: "I think you’re a very beautiful woman!" i turn to look — and it’s NOT becoz i think it might be directed at me or anything! hehe *grinning demurely here* — when i see the guy looking at me. yeah. apparently, the comment WAS directed AT me =)

miraculously, i manage to smile (instead of giving him that "are you talking to me?" look!) and he calls out: "What’s your name?" (note: all this happens while we’re walking and going on seperate directions) and i give him the nickname i always use when i either don’t wanna give away my real name or am just too tired to be hassled with having to pronounce Sue-Saen — "SUI!"

And as luck would have it, he says: "My name’s Sui too!" (aah...akalain mo.) and i guess this prompts him to change his direction and walk towards me. Of course, like before (coz something similar HAS happened to me before!) i don’t stop walking. so he says, "wait! wait! wait! what do you do?"

and ever the glib smart-ass, i reply: "I work". (yep. ten points for eloquency and excellent communication skills. uh-huh. it DOES say am a customer care rep , right?! yeah. and i wasn’t even trying to be funny OR sarcastic!tsk!)

anyways - to try to divert his attention from me, i ask him where he’s from - coz the fair complexion and the audacity to approach a stranger and tell her she’s a "beautiful woman" led me to conclude he was probably a foreigner! but surprise! surprise! he’s actually LOCAL! hah!

so he asks me again where i worked and i replied in my usual vague manner, "some IT company in Ortigas" and he says, "can i get your number?"

aah. the guts of this fellow.

what do i say? "I can’t. my boyfriend would get mad." [oh yeah! pass the blame on the clueless ex-boyfriend! he's not the jealous type, by the way - but THIS guy didn't have to know that!]

and of course he had the perfect response to that too: "oh, of course you have a boyfriend. a beautiful woman like you wouldn’t be single!"


and the clincher: "i’m sorry. i’m not a bad guy. i just had to tell you that i think you’re beautiful"


so how did that encounter end? i shook his hand, told him it was nice meeting him anyway and that i was running late meeting someone, yeah my brother.. (blah blah blah) and proceeded to go about my merry way.


that guy probably needed some new glasses (coz did i mention he was wearing a pair?!) or some serious food nourishment (coz y’know, hunger can induce hallucinations!) or whatever..but i will admit, it was pretty flattering. especially when i’ve been feeling all stressed and looking harassed with all the walking and commuting to and my about-to-give-way flats, my make-up less face (with chapped lips to boot!) and my recently butchered hair…well, you get the idea!

i don’t know which felt weirder, being called "beautiful" or being called a "woman"!! (ack!! i AM getting old! *sigh*) but it’s a good-weird, you know what i mean? after all - aside from the JOLOGS who cat-call and say "hi, miss!" as you walk by! - it’s not everyday a stranger goes out of his way just to (properly and respectfully) let you know they think you’re beautiful, right?!

so why am i blogging about this? i wanted something to remind myself of that ego-boosting moment during the days that i know will come when i’ll be feeling all ugly and unspecial and unloved… i think everybody needs a dose of something like this, every once in a while, don’t you think? BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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